Welcome! I am an assistant professor of political studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, California. I study authoritarian politics and political economy of development with a special focus on China. I am interested in authoritarian institutions and their role in mediating the relationship between the regime and the citizenry. My main research interests include 1) political selection and co-optation, 2) methods of information manipulation, and 3) gender in single-party political systems, all with an emphasis on implications for regime stability and security. My work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as American Political Science Review, Political Science Research and Methods and Political Communication. I have appeared in media outlets including The New York Times, Bloomberg News, and South China Morning Post to provide commentary on Chinese politics. I received my Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University in 2019, and a B.A. in Government and Economics from Smith College in 2011. Prior to coming to Pitzer, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for the Study of Contemporary China, University of Pennsylvania. For the academic year 2023-24, I was a visiting fellow at the Institute for Strategy and Technology at Carnegie Mellon University. You can reach me at hanzhang_liu[at]pitzer.edu. |